Scientists: Use This “Mold Magnet” to Purify Your Home
Scientists: Use This “Mold Magnet” to Purify Your Home
Brian Finnerty | Tuesday, October 08, 2024
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Recently, I was taking my morning shower when I had one of the most disgusting experiences of my life. I reached up to grab the soap off the tray (we keep it up high, next to the showerhead), and when I grabbed it, my fingers smeared into something slick.

When I looked at my hand, my fingers were covered in black slime.


I was sick to my stomach. Not only had I allowed mold to grow in my home, but it was spraying toxic spores into the air where my family couldn’t avoid it. Mold toxins, going right into my family’s lungs. No wonder my son had been coughing for the past two weeks.

I felt like a terrible mother. But, I was determined to fix it...

So, I went straight to the grocery store to get the strongest mold killing spray and cleaners in stock. And, I did everything you’re supposed to do. I used the spray to drench the mold. I wiped it away completely, then opened the windows and set up a fan.

But all that cleaning still didn’t stop the root of the problem.

For the next week, my bathroom was under a microscope. The mold was gone, and there were no signs of it coming back. And yet, my son’s cough wasn’t getting any better.

So, I contacted a professional. I wasn’t going to mess around with my family’s health any longer.

He told me, “Mold releases mycotoxins, which linger in the air long after you get rid of the actual mold.”

Even if you clean the mold up completely, there’s still harmful toxins floating around in the air that your family is breathing in.

Turns out, it’s not the mold itself that’s doing the damage. It’s the microscopic spores floating around that cause the real harm. And the worst part? They’re still floating around long after you’ve gotten rid of the source.

This happens because they stick to dust particles, floating around your house until you and your family breathe them in.

How can I clean what I can’t see? It seemed like there wasn’t an answer...

Things were getting really bad. My son’s cough not only wasn’t improving, it was getting worse, and he was starting to have trouble sleeping.

I was going over my problem with my friend Sarah. Without a care in the world, she just told me, “Honey, you just gotta deodorize the bathroom.” Like it was no big deal.

When in doubt, trust the moms who have seen and done it all...

Well, I learned that Sarah had personal experience in the mold department. A few years ago, she told me, she’d gone on vacation with her husband. Nothing fancy, just a long weekend at a lake house.

Now, her sons were good kids. They didn’t throw any parties or anything like that. But they did do something that some might think is far, far worse...

On the Friday after Sarah and her husband had left, one of her sons had brought a gallon of milk into the basement so he could eat some cereal while watching a movie.

Well, in the middle of the movie, he accidentally kicked over the gallon of milk.

And he just... left it there. He said he thought it would “evaporate”, like water. Boy was he wrong...

“It smelled like Satan’s toilet.”

It was another three weeks before Sarah went down into the basement (she rarely goes down there, the washing machine is on the first floor).

But when she did, she was greeted by a smell unlike anything she’d experienced before.

“It was like Satan’s toilet,” she said. “It was the worst thing I’ve ever smelled.”

The poor woman tried everything. She scrubbed it, and then she had it professionally cleaned. But sprays just mixed with the odor and created a new, worse smell.

Finally, on a tip from a friend, Sarah tried something as a last resort.

She left eight bags of activated charcoal in her basement, and prayed for a miracle.

Even at the end of the first day, Sarah noticed a real difference. And, after about a week, the smell was completely gone.

“Back up,” I told her. “What the heck is ‘activated charcoal’, and how does it work?”

Mold Magnet

Activated bamboo charcoal is what’s used in professional water-treatment facilities. (You know, like the one you pay every month.)

Basically, it works like a mold magnet. Once the mycotoxins come in contact with it, they’re completely stuck, with nowhere to go.

It’s made of pure carbon, with millions of tiny microscopic holes in it, like a really fine net. Air can flow right through these holes, but microscopic particles like odor molecules, dust, and even mold toxins get stuck inside.

They naturally soak up odors, bacteria, and mold toxins
My miracle cure?

My mind was made up. The science all made sense, so all that was left to do was try them. I put two in the shower, one on the counter, and one just outside my bathroom.

By the end of the first day, I could already notice a difference. I couldn’t really detect a mold smell anymore.

Would my son be okay?

For the last couple days, I’d had my son stay at my sister’s house. This was because there still were mold toxins flying all through the air at my house.

But now, I thought it might be okay for him to come home. It had been a couple days since I put the NatureFresh bags in the house, and I was confident they were working.

Over the next week, my son didn’t have any sleeping problems. Better yet, his cough was completely, and it wasn’t coming back!

I could cry I was so happy.

But, that still wasn’t enough for me. I had to be sure.

Putting it to the test

I was so excited about the miracle NatureFresh had worked in my bathroom, I wanted to test it out around the house.

I decided to conduct a couple experiments.

  1. The boys’ room. I myself have two teenage boys, and they share a room. Needless to say, it doesn’t smell like a fresh dew garden when you walk in there. I put one of these bags in their room, and within the day, the bag had absorbed all the odors and freshened up the room.
  2. The dog’s bed. I love my dog Tommy. He’s a big old German Shepherd that loves to chew on his favorite bunny toy. But his bed has that “old dog smell”, you know the one I’m talking about. Well, I put a NatureFresh bag next to it, and now? No more smell.
  3. The shoe rack. There’s a mini-version of the NatureFresh bag that’s designed to fit in things like shoes. I bought a couple of these and left them in my boys’ soccer cleats just inside the front door. Now, no more nasty foot aroma greets me when I walk in the door.
I’ve found a million uses for them around the house
I couldn’t BELIEVE how long they last...

With the results I’ve seen just in the last few weeks, I’d be recommending the NatureFresh bags even if they only lasted until the smell was gone. But here’s the thing: Each bag lasts up to 2 years! As long as you know how...

See, what you do, about every month, is leave the bags out in the sun.

And... that’s it. That’s all the maintenance that’s required for these things.

You see, the UV rays from the sun naturally clean out the bag by releasing all the stored particles. (And really, it doesn’t even need to be that sunny. It still works on overcast days.)

They removed the moldy smell from my bathroom — when nothing else worked
Don’t take any chances

Make no mistake, mold is dangerous. If you even think you have mold in your home, there are two things you need to do. First, you need to clean it using the proper cleaning products. (Especially ones that have bleach.)

Then, you complete the job 100% by getting a few NatureFresh Air Purifiers to act as a filter for the remaining harmful toxins. Remember, these are the real danger to you and your family.

Reader’s Update: Special Savings – 50% off right now

A rep at NatureFresh just reached out to me and was very grateful for the kind review. In fact, they were so grateful, that they decided to offer my readers 50% off! So just click the link and you’ll get 50% off applied to your order! How great is that?

But, just be aware, it only lasts 10 minutes after you click the link (and only the first time you do it). So you have to act fast if you want that huge discount!

Click Here For More Information >>


William Hector · University of Oxford
I had a gallon of milk spill in my car and living in a very hot climate, well you can imagine the stench. I have tried everything but nothing worked. My kids refused to drive with me. So then I bought this NatureFresh purifying bag and the smell has disappeared overnight. Can't explain it. Not sure how it works. Buy me....
· Reply · 78 · Friday, October 18, 2024 10:13 AM
June Zukowski Spelman · Worcester State College
This really works. I have a hall closet that was full of strong fragrance (from the previous homeowner) that never seemed to air out after about six months of living here. I had tried a fridge and freezer Arm and Hammer baking soda pack, but the fragrance smell would not go away and hit me in the face when I opened the door. I tried leaving the door open all the time, but the smell would not air out. After having the NatureFresh Air Purifying Bag in the closet on the shelf for less than a week I can open that closet door without smelling anything. I am very happy with the result.
· Reply · 71 · Thursday, October 17, 2024 5:10 PM
Torey Seymour Russell · Chicago, Illinois
I have had really bad allergies for years and no matter what I try, I can’t seem to get rid of them… until I tried these NatureFresh bags. These things are miracles!!! I place a few bags throughout my house and somehow my allergies cleared up. Im SO happy that I decided to get these.
· Reply · 70 · Thursday, October 17, 2024 8:28 PM
Cheryl Rackers · New Port Richey, Florida
My wife has been sneezing about two months now fom allergies, wich I know she never had allergies ever before, Im going to get some of this product to try and see if it can help her, thanks for the post, there are people that really need help!!!
· Reply · 78 · Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:11 AM
Gladys Sanford · Cass Tech/Commerce High School
I forgot all about this. Years ago I used them in a house we lived in. YEP it does work.
· Reply · 85 · Tuesday, October 15, 2024 8:55 AM
Mandy Simmons · Chicago, Illinois
This worked for me. I will always have one. There is also a refrigerator bag which is great, too.
· Reply · 88 · Sunday, October 13, 2024 8:11 AM
Paul Bryant · Chicago, Illinois
My bathroom has a really musty smell that I could never get rid of and I can see some mold in the corners as well. I bought these purifier bags not knowing what to expect but it seems to be really working! The must smell has disappeared and there are no more signs of mold growing. I'm getting a few more to put in other places around my house now.
· Reply · 95 · Saturday, October 12, 2024 12:32 PM
Laura Sylvia · Chicago, Illinois
Took the skunk spray smell out of a 3000 sq ft building. Awesome product
· Reply · 105 · Friday, October 11, 2024 7:2211 PM
Ashley Anita · Chicago, Illinois
I'm using this in our RV where hubby, big sheepdog, and I have spent the summer. It has been amazing!!!! Our air stays fresh even if the whole weekend is "rainy-day-dirty-dog" damp. Yay!
· Reply · 121 · Thursday, October 10, 2024 10:50 AM
Brad Morgan · Chicago, Illinois
I loved I loved, I got them after seeing this Add was not really sure about, but really really works
· Reply · 223 · Tuesday, October 08, 2024 9:12 PM
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